* 快速簡單做網頁: express
* 自己架git: gitlab
* 簡單強大的資料庫: : mongoose
* windows 連 mongodb 小工具: robomongo
* 使用 JQuery : cheerio
* 好用的Promise(流程控制): bluebird
* Array好用的方法: map, foreach
* 好用的 linux service 管理器: pm2
* linux 啟動程式以後 seesion斷掉還能繼續運作: nohup
* 網頁微美化: bootstrap
* 網頁hide/show效果: toggle
* 網頁表格sorting: tablesort
* 網頁送POST : Ajax
* response render: ejs
* node module 管理器: npm
* nodejs 時間日期相關: moment
2016年8月17日 星期三
2016年6月16日 星期四
2016年6月1日 星期三
Add flow entries to OVS
- There are sample codes in Ryu teaching us how to install a flow entries into an ovs. However, the samples are very simple that they only show the matching rules limiting input port and destination MAC address.
2016年5月9日 星期一
True/False Positive/Negative
What's the difference?
- True Positive
- True Negative
- False Positive
- False Negative
- True Positive
- True Negative
- False Positive
- False Negative
2016年5月6日 星期五
Ryu Controller - Traffic Monitor (Cont.)
- Try to block a flow if the traffic of that flow is abnormally large!
- A traffic monitor request switches info for every 5 seconds
2016年5月4日 星期三
RYU GUI Installation Problem
- Somebody reports that RYU GUI installation (http://dj184dja8.blogspot.tw/2016/04/ryu-installation.html) cannot work due to an import error as below:
2016年5月3日 星期二
Ryu Controller - Traffic Monitor
- Traffic monitor provides a periodically triggered inspector to obtain the flow/port status of each switches.
- A simple sample code is available here: https://github.com/osrg/ryu-book/blob/master/en/source/sources/simple_monitor.py
- Note that it should be executed in Openflow 1.3
- A simple sample code is available here: https://github.com/osrg/ryu-book/blob/master/en/source/sources/simple_monitor.py
- Note that it should be executed in Openflow 1.3
2016年4月19日 星期二
Ryu controller - deal with openflow packets notes
- Controller receives a packet from a switch if the switch failed to look up it's flow table
- Get incoming packet message, src mac/ip, dst mac/ip, ofproto, ... whatever you want
- Learn a switch-port-mac_address entry
- Get incoming packet message, src mac/ip, dst mac/ip, ofproto, ... whatever you want
- Learn a switch-port-mac_address entry
Packets received in Ryu controller
- Use ryu as remote controller to listen packet_in event which is usually triggered when a open virtual switch failed to look up an legal entry in the flow table.
- Here are some packet examples sending from ovs:
- Here are some packet examples sending from ovs:
Disable ipv6
- When starting mininet with arbitrary topology by using ryu as a remote controller, there are plenty of packets sends from each hosts to a set of strange mac addresses start with 33:33:XX:XX...
- I didn't send these pkts (they started sending immediately after mininet network was set up), and I didn't want they show up. These irritating messages kept refreshing the controller console and led to debug trouble.
2016年4月14日 星期四
Ryu -- Mininet Sample: k=4 Fat Tree
- Start Ryu manager (optional:with GUI needed files)
ryu-manager --verbose --observe-links ryu.app.simple_switch ryu.app.rest_topology ryu.app.ofctl_rest ryu.topology.switches
2016年4月13日 星期三
Ryu - Installation
- Ryu is a SDN controller platform which supports OpenFlow. See also: http://osrg.github.io/ryu/
- By https://github.com/mininet/openflow-tutorial/wiki/Create-a-Learning-Switch#Controller_Choice_Ryu_Python, python-gevent, python-routes, python-webob, and python-paramiko should be installed.
- By https://github.com/mininet/openflow-tutorial/wiki/Create-a-Learning-Switch#Controller_Choice_Ryu_Python, python-gevent, python-routes, python-webob, and python-paramiko should be installed.
2016年4月12日 星期二
Mininet - FatTree Topology
- Fat tree topology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_tree
- If there is a loop in the topology, the hosts cannot ping the others because https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/FAQ#ethernet-loops
- If there is a loop in the topology, the hosts cannot ping the others because https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/FAQ#ethernet-loops
2016年4月11日 星期一
Mininet OpenFlow Tutorial - Learn Development Tools
- Start with a topology with 3 hosts and 1 switch (and 1 controller)
- Start with a topology with 3 hosts and 1 switch (and 1 controller)
- "sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote"
- --switch ovsk: Open vSwitch
- --mac: set the MAC address to hosts' IP address
2016年4月7日 星期四
Mininet Walkthrough
See also: http://mininet.org/walkthrough/
- Start wireshark:
- Start wireshark:
- "sudo wireshark &", an error message showed up: "Lua: Error during loading: dofile has been disabled due to running wireshark as superuser..."
- Seems everybody tried to stop me to run run wireshark as root.
2016年4月6日 星期三
Mininet Installation
See also: http://mininet.org/download/
- There are four methods to install Mininet.
Option 1: Mininet VM Installation (easy, recommended)
Option 2: Native Installation from Source
Option 3: Installation from Packages
Option 4. Upgrading an existing Mininet Installation
- I already have a new-installed Ubuntu virtual machine, so I choose option 2. ( ubuntu version Ubuntu 15.10)
- There are four methods to install Mininet.
Option 1: Mininet VM Installation (easy, recommended)
Option 2: Native Installation from Source
Option 3: Installation from Packages
Option 4. Upgrading an existing Mininet Installation
- I already have a new-installed Ubuntu virtual machine, so I choose option 2. ( ubuntu version Ubuntu 15.10)
Simulator VS Emulator
According to Wikipedia, "'emulation' referred only to emulation with a hardware or microcode assist, while 'simulation' referred to pure software emulation."
2016年4月4日 星期一
Python Challenge level 19
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/hex/bin.html (login:butter/fly)
- A map of India. An email with an attachment (wav file). Very straightforward, we should convert the mess in the attachment into a voice file.
- A map of India. An email with an attachment (wav file). Very straightforward, we should convert the mess in the attachment into a voice file.
2016年4月1日 星期五
Python Challenge level 18
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/balloons.html (logib:huge/file)
- Two picture, one is brighter. "Can you tell the difference?" and a comment says it's more easy than I think.
- Just visit http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/brightness.html and you will see the same page.....wait! The comment changes..."maybe consider deltas.gz"!
- Two picture, one is brighter. "Can you tell the difference?" and a comment says it's more easy than I think.
- Just visit http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/brightness.html and you will see the same page.....wait! The comment changes..."maybe consider deltas.gz"!
Python Challenge level 17
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/romance.html (login:huge/file)
- A plenty of cookies. There is also a small picture on the lower left corner, remember it? It's the same photo as level 4. (I don't remember. Really.)
- Obviously, we should find out the cookies sent by level 4 webpage.
- A plenty of cookies. There is also a small picture on the lower left corner, remember it? It's the same photo as level 4. (I don't remember. Really.)
- Obviously, we should find out the cookies sent by level 4 webpage.
Python Challenge level 16
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/mozart.html (login: huge/file)
- Only a meaning less image. A title refers that "let me get this straight", so maybe I need to find something NOT straight ... this picture?
- Observe that there are many pink segments in this picture.
2016年3月31日 星期四
Python Challenge level 15
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/uzi.html (login: huge/file)
- A calendar. January 26. Don't know which year it is. "he ain't the youngest, he is the second". "todo: buy flowers for tomorrow".
- A calendar. January 26. Don't know which year it is. "he ain't the youngest, he is the second". "todo: buy flowers for tomorrow".
- I have to buy flowers on January 27 for a man who is the second and not the youngest one. What?
2016年3月30日 星期三
Python Challenge level 14
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/italy.html (login: huge/file)
- "Walk around" is the title. A spiral bread. A 10000*1 picture named "wire.png" presented as a 100*100 one. An equation: 100*100 = (100+99+99+98) + (...
- What we should do is rearrange the pixels in wire.png in a spiral manner like that bread and make it a 100*100 picture!
- What we should do is rearrange the pixels in wire.png in a spiral manner like that bread and make it a 100*100 picture!
Python Challenge level 13
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/disproportional.html (logon:huge/file)
- "call him"... click number 5 on the phone, and then a xml error page shows up!
- Google the fault code (105) and knowing that it is a XMLRPC module error. According to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7950297/faultcode-105-faultstring-xml-error-invalid-document-end-at-line-1-column-1, I should send some "xml request" to this page rather than just browsing the page.
- "call him"... click number 5 on the phone, and then a xml error page shows up!
- Google the fault code (105) and knowing that it is a XMLRPC module error. According to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7950297/faultcode-105-faultstring-xml-error-invalid-document-end-at-line-1-column-1, I should send some "xml request" to this page rather than just browsing the page.
Python Challenge level 12
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/evil.html (login:huge/file)
- I downloaded evil1.jpg and checked this picture over and over again, but I still don't know how to deal with the EVIL here.
- After searching for some tips on Google, there is a person said, "The picture is evil1.jpg, so not surprisingly there will be evil2.jpg." Well, for me, at least, it has little sense.
- I downloaded evil1.jpg and checked this picture over and over again, but I still don't know how to deal with the EVIL here.
- After searching for some tips on Google, there is a person said, "The picture is evil1.jpg, so not surprisingly there will be evil2.jpg." Well, for me, at least, it has little sense.
Python Challenge level 11
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/5808.html (login:huge/file)
- No much tips, just "odd even" in the title and a very vague picture. Seems like this picture is processed for a certain purpose.
- Divide the picture into 4 parts according to the pixel coordinate. (00, 01, 10, 11)
- No much tips, just "odd even" in the title and a very vague picture. Seems like this picture is processed for a certain purpose.
- Divide the picture into 4 parts according to the pixel coordinate. (00, 01, 10, 11)
Python Challenge level 10
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/bull.html (login:huge/file)
- Click the bull in the picture, you will see "a = [1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, "
- This is so called "look and say sequence", please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look-and-say_sequence
- Click the bull in the picture, you will see "a = [1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, "
- This is so called "look and say sequence", please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look-and-say_sequence
2016年3月29日 星期二
Python Challenge level 9
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/return/good.html (login:huge/file)
- "connect the dots", remember me a little game i played when i was young...
- See also: http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.x/reference/ImageDraw.html
- Draw a picture according to two lists: "first" and "second"
- "connect the dots", remember me a little game i played when i was young...
- See also: http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.x/reference/ImageDraw.html
- Draw a picture according to two lists: "first" and "second"
Python Challenge level 8
- "Where is the missing link?" If you click the bee in the picture, you will be asked to input a pair of username and password.
- Find the 'un' and 'pw' data streams in the source page.
- "Where is the missing link?" If you click the bee in the picture, you will be asked to input a pair of username and password.
- Find the 'un' and 'pw' data streams in the source page.
Python Challenge level 7
- To do this challenge, please make sure you have already installed PILLOW.
- This is such a huge task. First of all, the code is hidden in the picture. See the grayscale bar across the picture?
- To do this challenge, please make sure you have already installed PILLOW.
- This is such a huge task. First of all, the code is hidden in the picture. See the grayscale bar across the picture?
Python Challenge level 6
- Visit the source page, and just see "zip" is useful
- http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/channel.zip -> get a zip file
- Unzip the file, you will know that it is just like challenge level 4. According the readme.txt, you should start from 90052
- Visit the source page, and just see "zip" is useful
- http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/channel.zip -> get a zip file
- Unzip the file, you will know that it is just like challenge level 4. According the readme.txt, you should start from 90052
2016年3月28日 星期一
Python Challenge level 5
- Pronounce "peak hell". What?? I pronounced it in my room, and nothing happened...
- Google "peak hell", it turns out to be "pickle."
- See also: https://docs.python.org/2/library/pickle.html
- The target that should be pickled is banner.p (showed in the source page)
- Pronounce "peak hell". What?? I pronounced it in my room, and nothing happened...
- Google "peak hell", it turns out to be "pickle."
- See also: https://docs.python.org/2/library/pickle.html
- The target that should be pickled is banner.p (showed in the source page)
Python Challenge level 4
- click the picture, you will know that it will be an exhausted work
- knowing from source page, we should keep modifying the nothing value for at most 400 times
- click the picture, you will know that it will be an exhausted work
- knowing from source page, we should keep modifying the nothing value for at most 400 times
Python Challenge level 3
- See also: https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
- As the previous level, copy the mess message in the page source
- Try to find " 3 uppercase + 1 lowercase + 3 uppercase" pattern
- For example, "AAAaAAA"
- They emphasize "EXACTLY 3 bodyguards," so string like "AAAAaAAA" is not acceptable
- Finally, concat all lowercase letters
- See also: https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
- As the previous level, copy the mess message in the page source
- Try to find " 3 uppercase + 1 lowercase + 3 uppercase" pattern
- For example, "AAAaAAA"
- They emphasize "EXACTLY 3 bodyguards," so string like "AAAAaAAA" is not acceptable
- Finally, concat all lowercase letters
2016年3月25日 星期五
Python Challenge level 2
- find the mess message in the page source (commend), copy the content and save it as a file
- "find rare characters in the mess below", so find the letter frequency of this message
2016年3月24日 星期四
Python Challenge level 1
- observe the picture, there are all 2 lexicographical difference between each pairs of letters
- not sure what the tip means is
1. k should be changed to m
2. in the cipher text, k is changed to m
- observe the picture, there are all 2 lexicographical difference between each pairs of letters
- not sure what the tip means is
1. k should be changed to m
2. in the cipher text, k is changed to m
Python Challenge level 0
- just calculate 2^38
- just calculate 2^38
g = lambda x, y:x**y print g(2, 38)
2016年3月16日 星期三
vulnerability 易受攻擊的
wreak havoc 造成破壞
wreak havoc 造成破壞
forensic 法庭的, 辯論的, 鑑識
falsification 竄改;偽造;曲解
depletion 消耗;用盡
repudiation 否認
countermeasures 對策
ossification 僵化;鈣化
convolution 迴旋;盤繞
falsification 竄改;偽造;曲解
depletion 消耗;用盡
repudiation 否認
countermeasures 對策
ossification 僵化;鈣化
convolution 迴旋;盤繞
delegate 授權;委託
anomalous 不規則的;異常的
unprecedented 史無前例的
impasse 僵局
unorthodox 非正統的
susceptible 易受影響的
anomalous 不規則的;異常的
unprecedented 史無前例的
impasse 僵局
unorthodox 非正統的
susceptible 易受影響的
rudimentary 早期的;未成熟的
albeit 雖然
vantage points 有利的位置
albeit 雖然
vantage points 有利的位置
2016年3月15日 星期二
Integer Linear Programing - Using Binary Vaviables
Some tips about ILP transformaion using binary variables.
- Logic
- Conjunction, A and B, A∩B => a+b = 2
- Disjunction, A or B, A∪B => a+b ≥ 1
- if A then B, A→B, ~A∪B => a ≤ b
- A if only if B, A↔B => a = b
- A = ~B => a+b = 1
- C = A∩B => c ≤ a, c ≤ b, c ≥ a+b-1
- C = A∪B => c ≥ a, c ≥ b, c ≤ a+b
- Logic
- Conjunction, A and B, A∩B => a+b = 2
- Disjunction, A or B, A∪B => a+b ≥ 1
- if A then B, A→B, ~A∪B => a ≤ b
- A if only if B, A↔B => a = b
- A = ~B => a+b = 1
- C = A∩B => c ≤ a, c ≤ b, c ≥ a+b-1
- C = A∪B => c ≥ a, c ≥ b, c ≤ a+b
Integer Linear Programming - Duality
Main Resource: Applied Mathematical Programming by Bradley, Hax, and Magnanti (Addison-Wesley, 1977), provided by MIT
A canonical form of duality of an Integer Linear Programming problem:
A canonical form of duality of an Integer Linear Programming problem:
2016年3月9日 星期三
IP address, Subnet, Netmask
- Classes of IP address:
- There are also class D and E, and the leading bits are 1110 and 1111 respectively.
- IP address is divided into two parts, net id and host id.
- Hosts with the same net id are within the same subnet.
- There are also class D and E, and the leading bits are 1110 and 1111 respectively.
- IP address is divided into two parts, net id and host id.
- Hosts with the same net id are within the same subnet.
2016年3月8日 星期二
L2/L3 Switching
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAN_switching
L2 switching - see MAC address only
L3 switching - see IP address
Comparison between L2/L3 switching, see also:
- Cisco Meraki documentation
- IThome
- http://www.networkpcworld.com/differences-between-layer-2-3-4-switching-multilayer-switching-layer-3-routing/
L2 switching - see MAC address only
L3 switching - see IP address
Comparison between L2/L3 switching, see also:
- Cisco Meraki documentation
- IThome
- http://www.networkpcworld.com/differences-between-layer-2-3-4-switching-multilayer-switching-layer-3-routing/
Virtual Machine setup
Got a new homework as below:
1. 從官方網站下載"Oracle VM VirtualBox" 或 "VMware Workstation Player"
2. 從官方網站下載linux作業系統,可選 ubuntu、centos 或其他你熟悉的
3. 新增一個虛擬機器,至少要有兩張虛擬網卡,第一張使用nat功能,第二張指定成內部網路。接著設定一台虛擬光碟機,並將光碟檔案指定為在第二步下載的光碟映像檔。
2. 從官方網站下載linux作業系統,可選 ubuntu、centos 或其他你熟悉的
3. 新增一個虛擬機器,至少要有兩張虛擬網卡,第一張使用nat功能,第二張指定成內部網路。接著設定一台虛擬光碟機,並將光碟檔案指定為在第二步下載的光碟映像檔。
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