- Somebody reports that RYU GUI installation (http://dj184dja8.blogspot.tw/2016/04/ryu-installation.html) cannot work due to an import error as below:
- The most important one is "[ERROR] ImportError (view.websocket)", and first of all please check that whether websocket package is installed correctly.
- Don't know why python cannot import view.websocket, there is indeed a "websocket.py" in "views" directory. So try to import it by myself to see more information!
- The error message reports that there is no module name "ryu.app.client"! OMG, there is really no client.py in app.
- After search for this issue, I found that there are (at least) two different "app" versions in ryu.
- So if your ryu is installed by pip or by "git clone git://github.com/osrg/ryu.git", it will definitely failed on GUI execution .
- Check this one (https://github.com/o3project/ryu-oe/tree/master/ryu/app, the one with "client.py" in it), just copy missing files to your own ryu/app directory and reinstall again by setup.py, then it should work!!
- P.S. If "--observe-links" argument become unrecognizable, please un-comment the lines in /ryu/ryu/topology/switches.py which (http://dj184dja8.blogspot.tw/2016/04/ryu-installation.html) told you to comment and try again!
ommented the mentioned lines and the command worked. For fixing websocket error, I copied the missing files (like client.py) then ran python ./setup.py install and --observe-links is unrecognizable again even though the lines are commented. Tried uncommenting and still not recognized.